Minggu, 12 September 2010

Marcopolo history

Marco Polo was a merchant from the Republic of Venice who wrote Il Milione, who introduced the Europeans to Central Asia and China. He learned the trade, In 1269, Niccolò and Maffeo returned to Venice, Marco meeting for the first time. In 1271, Marco Polo (at the age of seventeen years), father and uncle went to Asia in the adventure series which was then documented in Marco's book. They returned to Venice in 1295, 24 years later, with many riches and treasure. They had traveled nearly 15,000 mil.merka back to Venice because Venice at war with Genoa, Marco Polo, was arrested. He spent several months in jail dictating a complete report on the trip to fellow inmates, Rustichello da Pisa, who combined his own stories and anecdotes collected from China and other events. He was released in the year 1299, and became a wealthy merchant and had three children. He died in 1324 and was buried in San Lorenzo. In 1300 he married Donata Badoer Badoer Vitale's daughter, a merchant. They have three daughters.

exploration of Christoper Columbus

Christopher Columbus was a navigator, colonizer, and explorer from Genoa, Italy who sailed across the Atlantic. With four trips of exploration and several efforts to build settlements on the island of Hispaniola, all funded by Isabella I of Castile, he began the process of Spanish colonization that predicted the general European colonization of the "New World".